
COVID-19 UPDATE (5/1/2023):


We hope you are well and healthy at this time. Thank you for your interest in participating in New Start 2023, and for your patience as we adapt our program to the changing world. We remain so excited to continue this 50+ year tradition at UA and to support you in your transition to the university.

New Start remains available for summer 2023. However in light of COVID-19, we are shifting our program to a fully online format. This means we will not be hosting an in-person program on campus or offering the residential dorm component this summer. We wanted to update you and share more about what to expect with these new shifts.

What are the official program dates?

Classes begin on Monday, June 29 and will go through Friday, August 7. You will still be taking 6 to 7 units—one academic general education class based on your placement exams, and one Topics in Leadership course.

What other benefits can I expect in this new format?

We remain committed to a positive, quality experience for you that goes beyond your classes. The New Start experience has always been defined by an academic component in addition to the social aspect, building you a community and a coordinated network of support before the fall. All students will have a Peer Mentor to meet with virtually throughout the summer, a team of tutors ready to support you in your online classes, and campus partners who will deliver online programs and community activities for you to engage with and enhance your transition.

What do I need to be successful?

A laptop or computer with access to the internet and webcam capabilities. If you are in need of technology, we have budgeted this into the cost of attendance and can accommodate this for Pell Promise recipients!

The time commitment will be an average of about 20-25 hours per week, similarly to the in-person model:

  • An average of 12-15 hours for academic course obligations. Plan to make your mornings available for online lectures or discussions via Zoom, with some asynchronous (“on your own”) work to be completed at daily or weekly intervals.
  • 5-6 hours for peer mentoring (Topics in Leadership workshops and periodic check-ins)
  • 2-3 hours for optional programming with campus partners (advising, wellness workshops, etc)
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These dates overlap with family plans or travel later in the summer. Can I still participate now that New Start is fully online?

As long as you can access the internet, you can attend class from wherever you are! Please keep in mind that New Start is a fast-paced experience and that we can only allow up to two absences from class. After two absences, we may need to excuse students from the program.


Yes! We do still offer the New Start Tuition Scholarship, Pell Promise, and Friends and Alumni Scholarship. Please be sure to file both the 2023-2023 and 2023-2021 FAFSAs to maximize your aid eligibility. The deadline to apply for the Friends and Alumni Scholarship has been extended to May 22.

What if I need a place to live this summer?

While we are no longer able to offer the full dorm experience, please reach out to us if you are in need of campus housing.

What if I’m no longer interested or able to participate?

We are extending the cancellation deadline to June 17. You may cancel before then without being responsible for the program fee. You may cancel your spot by revisiting your application on UA Future.

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Be well, and we hope to see you online this summer!

The New Start Team



Just follow these steps to join the action!


Before you can be a part of New Start, you need to be accepted to the University of Arizona for Fall 2023!


As soon as you are admitted to UA, you can start your New Start application. Deadline is May 20th!

Complete both FAFSAs

The completion of both your 2023-2023 and 2023-2021 FAFSAs are required for New Start’s financial support!

Complete your Next Steps

Finish your enrollment as a new Wildcat by completing your Next Steps!
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